Monday 3 September 2018

Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi - aspiringteam

Drawbacks of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is considered as one of the best tools to enhance the brand awareness and fondness but there are certain drawbacks of this latest marketing strategy.
If you are considering digital marketing for your company, you must consider the drawbacks before you rope in a Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi.

Drawbacks of Digital Marketing
· Limited Internet Access
Digital Marketing and the internet go hand in hand. Digital marketing cannot be done without the internet. Though majority of India has the internet access, there are still certain areas that are sans the benefits of the internet. You cannot target the audience there with digital marketing.
· Excessive Competition
Every company wants to hit the right chords with the customers and so, they leave no stone unturned in magnetizing the customers. This enhances the competitions manifolds.
The customers actually get many best deals at their disposal. This confuses them and this becomes a major drawback for the companies.

Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi

· Limited Advertisement
Though the internet is a great platform to sell products, there are still certain industries which cannot ripe any benefit from Digital Marketing.
The industries like pharmacy cannot rely on the internet for sales of the products. Also, you cannot sell industrial products on the internet. This makes digital platform restricted to only certain industries.
· Lack of interest
Not every customer is interested in the internet. Many consider internet advertisement as mere scams and do not trust them. Lack of traffic is a major drawback of digital advertising.
· Negative Feedbacks
Though there are many who lack faith in the internet, there are also certain people to blindly trust the internet.
To receive is negative feedback on social media is a common norm. Many people take the negative feedback seriously and do not trust the product or service. This can tarnish the image of any brand.
Negative feedback on the internet can restrict the growth of the company.
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Digital revolution has happened in India in the last few years wherein every company or individual wants to be in the digital platform to ...